Know before you buy.

Know Your Product is an app that tells you how healthy a packaged product is before you put it in your cart.


Safety Rating

One of three consumption appropriateness ratings is assigned to all products scanned, based on avaliable information.

Ingredient Insight

All ingredients from the product label are detected and displayed as part of the product assessment with insights on how safe they are.

Nutrition Analysis

The KYP app reads and interprets the nutritional informational label, and alerts the user of concerning quantities of any component.

Health Risk Identification

Explanation of toxic and harmful chemicals and their associated health risks; also shows results for less detectable harmful chemicals hidden behind approved food additive codes.

Allergen Information

Highlights which of the common Big 9 allergens (that must be declared on product labels in the US) as well as other potentially allergic substances present in the product.

Chemical Presence Check

KYP always checks all products for presence or absence of the most toxic chemicals by checking the ingredient list against a proprietary list of these chemicals.

Expiration Check

The app reads off expiration information from the packaging to ensure your product is fresh, letting you know the best-by date and any important storage instructions, so that you consume it at its peak quality.

Concern Level Assignment

All individual ingredients and nutrients detected and presented in the app are also assigned a concern level rating which is also represented by color coding.

GMO/Bio-engineering Alert

This app also checks for the presence of GMO or bioengineered ingredients, providing you with detailed information to help you make informed choices about your food.

Custom Instruction Capability

The custom instruction feature allows you to specify particular ingredients to watch for or tailor the search to fit specific dietary needs, like Jain or other preferences, ensuring your food choices align perfectly with your lifestyle.

Sustainable Sourcing Info

Uncover information about where your food comes from when there are labels/certifications/other details that contain insights on .

Support for non-food products*

*Future versions of the app are under development which will include support for non-food products, including but not limited to skincare, expanding our commitment to transparency and informed consumer choices.